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阿曼波 & 哈乐戴欢迎鲍勃·里纳尔迪加入其国际咨询团队(English attached)发布时间:2018-07-22 09:12:24  访问量:2412

全球首屈一指和最受尊敬的设备租赁培训和咨询公司阿曼波 & 哈乐戴( Amembal&Halladay;A&H)宣布鲍勃·里纳尔迪(Bob Rinaldi)的战略加盟,以补充和扩展该公司的咨询专业知识和技术深度。 鲍勃(Bob)将担任公司常务董事。

里纳尔迪(Rinaldi)是一位经验丰富的企业家和设备融资及租赁行业的思想领袖,在加入阿曼波 & 哈乐戴(A&H)之前曾指导多家组织取得成功。 他曾担任全国设备融资公司 CI 金融(CI Finance)的首席执行官,以及辛辛那提商业银行CBank的董事。最值得注意的是,他曾担任CSI租赁(CSI Leasing)的高级副总裁和加拿大国家城市商业 资金(National City Commercial Capital Canada)的总裁。作为信息租赁公司(Information Leasing Corp.)的执行副总裁,鲍勃(Bob)在将ILC发展成为美国第五大银行租赁公司过程中发挥了关键作用,每年掌管超过30亿美元的贷款发放以及80亿美元的资产。 

鲍勃(Bob)是设备租赁和融资协会(ELFA)的前主席兼董事,该协会是代表美国1万亿美元设备融资部门的首要贸易协会。他还是设备租赁和融资基金会研究小组委员会和发展委员会的成员。他是该基金会的受托管理人,以及设备租赁和融资协会租赁PAC(ELFA LeasePAC)的前任主席。里纳尔迪(Rinaldi)是该基金会研究委员会2013年史蒂芬·R.乐巴伦(Steven R. LeBarron)理论研究奖和设备租赁和融资协会(ELFA )2014年大卫·H.凡格(David H. Fenig)杰出咨询服务奖的获得者。

阿曼波 & 哈乐戴(Amembal&Halladay )董事长兼首席执行官苏迪尔·阿曼波(Sudhir Amembal)说:"鲍勃(Bob)的丰富实践经验将在增长战略、供应商计划、继任规划、收购尽职调查和危机解决等领域为阿曼波 & 哈乐戴(Amembal&Halladay)的现有咨询服务组合增添重要技能"。  

阿曼波 & 哈乐戴(A&H)高级常务董事肖恩·哈乐戴(Shawn Halladay)补充说:"除了他的专业知识,鲍勃(Bob)还对这个行业充满了热情"。

"苏迪尔(Sudhir)和肖恩(Shawn)多年来都是我的行业导师。 他们在全球设备融资和租赁行业的发展和增长过程中发挥了重要作用“,鲍勃·里纳尔迪(Bob Rinaldi)表示。  "我期待运用我的实践经验和知识来促进客户的长期成功。"

Original Article

Amembal & Halladay Welcomes Bob Rinaldi to its International Advisory Team

Amembal & Halladay (A&H), the world’s foremost and most highly respected equipment lease training and consultancy firm, announces the strategic addition of Bob Rinaldi to complement and expand the knowledge and depth of its consultancy expertise. Bob will serve as Managing Director.

Rinaldi is a seasoned entrepreneur and thought-leader in the equipment finance and leasing industry, guiding several organizations to success prior to joining A&H. He served as the CEO of CI Finance, a national equipment finance company, and as a Director at CBank, a commercial bank in Cincinnati. Most notably, he held positions as the Senior Vice President of CSI Leasing, and the President of National City Commercial Capital Canada. As the Executive Vice President at Information Leasing Corp., Bob played a key role in growing ILC to the fifth-largest, bank-owned leasing company in the U.S. with annual originations of over $3 billion and $8 billion in assets.

Bob is a Past Chairman and Director of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA), the premier trade association representing the $1 trillion equipment finance sector in the U.S.A. He is also a member of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation’s Research Subcommittee and Development Committee. He is a past Trustee of the Foundation and Past Chairman of ELFA’s LeasePAC. Rinaldi was the recipient of the Foundation Research Committee’s 2013 Steven R. LeBarron Award for Principled Research and ELFA’s 2014 David H. Fenig Distinguished Service in Advocacy Award.

“Bob’s vast practical experience will add substantial skills to Amembal & Halladay’s portfolio of existing consultancy services in areas such as growth strategies, vendor programs, succession planning, acquisition due diligence, and crisis resolution”, said Sudhir Amembal, Chairman and CEO of Amembal & Halladay.

Shawn Halladay, Senior Managing Director of A&H added, “Besides his expertise, Bob has an abundance of enthusiasm for the industry”.

“Sudhir and Shawn have both been industry mentors of mine for many years. They have played a significant role in the development and growth of the global equipment finance and leasing industry”, stated Bob Rinaldi. “I look forward to applying my practical experience and knowledge to the benefit of our clients’ long-term success.”

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